Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity (EHS) Symptoms

Electromagnetic hypersensitivity (EHS) was first recognized by doctor Erwin Schliephake, a German medical doctor, in 1932. Originally he called this condition "microwave sickness" or "radio wave sickness". 
The symptoms he observed were:

  • Headaches to the point of intolerability
  • Severe tiredness and fatigue during the day
  • Fitful sleep at night
  • High susceptibility to infection

It is estimated that between 3% and 10% (with some estimates as high as 30%) of the general population now experience one or more EHS symptoms when exposed to microwave radiation or electrical pollution. Everyone is affected biologically by EMF pollution, but most will not feel the effects for years or even decades. 

Because EMF pollution affects the nervous, immune and endocrine systems, symptoms can vary and be wide-ranging. 

Primary EHS Symptoms:

  • Headaches (particularly tension headaches along the sides of the head and temple area). 
  • Heart palpitations and a pressure in the chest.
  • Skin burning, redness, rashes and tingling (particularly on the face and arms).
  • Difficulties sleeping (sleep is interrupted, light, dreamless and leaves the person feeling tired in the morning).
  • Tinnitus (ringing in the ears).
  • Fatigue and tiredness during the day.
  • Cognitive decline (memory and concentration difficulties – a “brain fog” and feeling that one’s brain has aged 30 years in a short period of time.

Secondary EHS Symptoms:

The following are EHS symptoms that some individuals report when exposed to microwave radiation and electrical pollution. These symptoms can be severe for EHS individuals, but are not as common as the primary symptoms.

  • Anxiety or tension within the body (often experienced as inner agitation that seemingly comes from nowhere. In retrospect, the person is near a cell phone tower, cordless phone or Wi-Fi router).
  • Inability to heal quickly from virus, bacterial and parasitic infections.
  • Lightheadedness or vertigo.
  • Temporary inability to speak coherently.
  • Nausea.
  • Mood-swings.
  • Arm, finger and leg twitching.
  • Depression (Serotonin levels have been found to be affected by EMF Pollution)
  • Loss of Productiveness (EHS individuals often become tired, ill and unable to participate in normal societal activities).